Just imagine, you, as a creative designer could distribute your perfect product securely to any customer worldwide with a click of a button. Secured3D launched the first democratized distributed manufacturing cloud based system which allows any 3D designer to sign up for free, and within minutes securely distribute the intended product to 3D printers globally.
Distributed manufacturing with 3D printers has been somewhat of a dream for many years, until today. For the last 30 years, 3D printers have been mainly used to prototype designs, with the intent of producing proof of concepts which may or may not be produced before analyzing the business case. The barrier of entry for a designer to take his or her idea, and produce a working product required large invests into tooling a factory for production. No more! The playing field has been leveled and anyone now with Secured3D can instantly have the same competitive advantage of a large name brand overnight.
Secured3D was honored to be hosted by the 3D Print Show last minute, and positioned right in the middle of the event — between Makerbot, Ultimaker, Shapeways, and Adobe.

We would like to thank everyone at the 3D Print Show for making this happen and a special thanks to James Shaw for coordinating everything so smoothly.
This is probably the best 3D printing event, for one very simple reason. It brings together the most creative designers from both the art and science world into one place.
The latency and cost for a creative designer to develop a product and push it into production has now been eliminated. This truly is a disruptive moment and we look forward to working with more designers, printer manufacturers, and hubs in making this a reality.
The Secured3D Team
Here are more photos from the show. Enjoy !

Distributed Manufacturing with 3D Printers

Secured3d 3D Print Show New York 2014

Secured3D – At the center of 3D printed distributed manufacturing